2019 Full Quantum Mechanics(A)

by Wang YingJie
This is a TA homepage for Quantum Mechanics(A) 2019Full. Notice of exercise lessons, exams, etc. and solutions to the exercise will be published here.

All the scores of the final test and assignments have been calculated and uploaded,please visit home.ustc.ude.cn/~wyj1234 to check your scores in time.

If you have any problem with your scores displayed on the above website, please contact with me before 19:00, 2020-1-21.

$$\mathrm{i}\hbar \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} \left|\psi\right\rangle = \hat{H} \left|\psi\right\rangle$$


The sever of Prof. Shi has some unknown error, so I can’t upload any files to the server of the website of Prof. Shi now. So the website of Prof. Shi won’t be used any more until the error can be fixed.

Some reference for QM

Lecture Notes




Material of the Exercise lessons

YingJie Wang
Majoring in Theoretical Physics

My research interests include classical Gravity, Quantum Gravity(especially Loop Quantum Gravity), Quantum Field Theory and so on.